Ways to Pay

You can pay for your legal costs:

  • Online using a credit or debit card on this page (scroll down). You will be taken to our payment provider Stripe
  • By Bank Transfer. Our banking details are usually found on our invoice supplied to you or alternatively, we can provide our account details on request
  • By Telephoning Us on 0191 269 6871.
  • By Post and by Cheque. Please write your reference number on the back of the cheque
  • By Standing Order (Download Standing Order Form)

Please note we are only able to accept online payments to a maximum of £10,000.00. If you are asked or wish to pay more, please call us on 0191 269 6871 to discuss the matter further.

Pay Online

Enter your invoice reference and amount below to pay.

Please note we accept transactions in Sterling (GBP £) only.

Payment Received

Thank you for your payment.

You will receive a receipt for this payment in your email.

Please note that we are unable to process refunds; if you have a complaint please email: [email protected]

Prism Family Law Limited
Collingwood Buildings
38 Collingwood Street
Newcastle upon Tyne

Registered in the UK – Registration Number: 09968874

Authorised and Regulated by the Bar Standards Board – Registration Number ER161404

VAT Number: 247 709 970

Please also note the following as provided for by all invoices issued for consideration and payment:

Your Right to Complain

Your right to complain is found in the terms and conditions we sent to you when you instructed us at the outset of your case. The details of the complaints procedure is also available on our website at www.prismfamilylaw.co.uk. A copy of the complaint’s procedure can also be provided further upon request in writing. After you use our complaints procedure you still have the right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman. The complaints procedure explains how you may complain to the Legal Ombudsman Service. Please note that if you wish to complain to the Legal Ombudsman Service you will need to do so no later than 12 months after the date when you first raised your complaint with us, and within 6 months of when you receive a final response from us.

Assessment by the Court

Under the provisions in the Solicitors Act 1974 Sections 70, 71 and 72 relating to the taxation of costs you have the right to have the bill checked by an officer of the High Court. Your rights in relation to having then this bill assessed by the Court are set out in those sections of the Solicitors Act 1974 referenced.


Please note that we are entitled to charge interest on the outstanding amount of costs plus any disbursements and VAT to run from one month after the date of delivery of the bill (under the Solicitors’ (Non-Contentious Business) Remuneration Order 2009, SI 2009/1931 Art 5) 2.