
Court and Tribunal Fee’s on the Up – but not for Divorce applications

Following a consultation process, the Ministry of Justice has confirmed which Court and Tribunal fees, including those for family proceedings, will increase from May 2024 but it has been decided that the application fee for a divorce, currently £593, will NOT increase. The consultation paper ‘Implementing increases to selected court and tribunal fees’, published on

Financial Remedy Order on Divorce – Law Commission to examine 50-year-old law

Every year, tens of thousands of couples begin proceedings for separation which result in the use of financial remedy orders – orders which determine how their finances are divided after they are no longer together. Going through a divorce or ending a civil partnership is often a stressful and hugely consequential period for any couple

Can a father stop a mother taking a child on holiday?

With many schools now closed for the February half-term break, those parents with children of school age may well have already made plans to go abroad on holiday or will be thinking ahead about making such plans to go abroad later, say for Easter or in the summer.  For many parents who might then also

Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme – What Next?

Often, in private proceedings concerning child arrangements under the Children Act 1989, persons found to have been the perpetrators of domestic abuse and or violence may be required to undertake domestic abuse and violence work and often that would have resulted in individuals being directed to undertake a “Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme (DAPP)”, the purposes

Don’t forget the pension! – Thousands risk pension poverty after Divorce

New research from Aviva suggests that 15% of divorced people did not realise that their pensions after divorce could be impacted by getting divorced. More than a third (34%) made no claim on their former partner’s pension so that it was not included as an asset in the settlement when they did divorce. Almost one

When is a Fact Finding Hearing Required?

The President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane, more recently invited Lady Justice Macur to form a small group with the task of producing short, clear and practical guidance for judges and magistrates to consider when looking at the issue of whether to hold a fact-finding hearing in private law children proceedings in the

Can a Parent be made to pay for contact at a Contact centre?

In the recent case of Griffiths v Griffiths (Guidance on Contact Costs) [2022] EWHC 113 (Fam), the issue of how future supervised face to face contact in a contact centre setting might be paid for arose as an issue and Arbuthnot J had to consider the question on appeal. Briefly, the parents in the case

Avoiding Easter and Summer Holiday Contact Issues – How to Make it Work

With Easter now only a number of weeks away and with more countries allowing families to enter without undue restriction or prohibition, serious consideration is being given once more to jetting off abroad for an Easter or Summer Holiday break, and the potential of holiday contact issues. For many parents who might be separated such