
Travelling with my child who has a different surname

We recently wrote in a separate article about how before too long, the Summer Holiday period will be upon us and schools will be getting ready then to close for the six-week break.

How to explain divorce to a child?

No one enters into a marriage expecting it to fail. The end of a marriage typically unleashes a flood of emotions including then anger, grief, anxiety and fear. Sometimes, these feelings can rise up when you least expect them, catching you off guard. Such a response is normal, and over time, for adults, usually the

New family court in Newcastle upon Tyne

Work to bring a new family court in Newcastle upon Tyne bringing civil, family and tribunal hearings into one accessible building at the Civic Centre found in Newcastle city centre, continues unabated. The new courthouse is expected to open by 2020.

Avoiding summer holiday contact issues – how to make it work

With the May half-term school holiday now a distant memory, and only a matter of weeks then left until the Summer Holiday is upon us all, many separated parents will be thinking about taking their children on a summer break out of the country. Here’s our guidance on avoiding summer holiday contact issues.

Full and frank disclosure

A businessman ordered by judges to share his millions with his ex-wife – even though they had been separated for more than a decade – has hit out at the ruling.