Understanding Family Mediation: A Path to Resolving Disputes Without Court

Divorce or separation is never easy, and the process of untangling a relationship can be emotionally and financially draining. Many individuals find themselves navigating complex legal matters, from custody arrangements to financial settlements. However, not everyone is aware that there is a more amicable and cost-effective route available to help resolve these issues: family mediation.

How a Solicitor Can Help in Care Proceedings concerning Children

Public law proceedings concerning children are legal matters that involve state intervention in family life. These proceedings often arise when there are concerns about a child’s welfare, and they can result in decisions about the child’s future, including where they live, who they spend time with and in cases of last resort, their possible adoption.

Financial Remedy Order on Divorce – Law Commission to examine 50-year-old law

Every year, tens of thousands of couples begin proceedings for separation which result in the use of financial remedy orders – orders which determine how their finances are divided after they are no longer together. Going through a divorce or ending a civil partnership is often a stressful and hugely consequential period for any couple

Managing Pensions on Divorce – Your Options

According to a recent survey conducted by Which? Magazine in November 2021, women, in particular, continue to face unstable retirement as pension assets on divorce are often overlooked when dealing with financial matters arising from separation. Of those surveyed, only 15% of divorcing couples are said to have specifically included pensions in their financial settlement

COVID-19 domestic abuse and violence

As more and more people are socially isolated by being in lockdown at home, for people who have experienced domestic abuse and or violence, social distancing and on-going Government guidance for everyone to work from and stay at home wherever possible, means that unfortunately for some, they are in turn being trapped to live with