For any separating couple, sorting out finances and reaching any financial settlement can be one of the biggest challenges to overcome.

This scenario can cause untold stress, anxiety and uncertainty. An individual in the midst of a separation can find life difficult and, without financial security, may feel uncertain as to what the future may hold.

Understandably many issues require careful thought and consideration – you may be anxious about what is to happen to the family home, what is going to happen to any savings you both may have, you may fear that you are going to lose the entirety of any pension pot you have managed to accumulate or you may be concerned that your ex-partner might try and move their pension so as to defeat any claim that you may make against the same. You may also be fearful as to how you will now manage financially following separation.

Without a doubt, these concerns and the uncertainty that goes with them can cause fear and anxiety. The impact of this can be felt to not only by you, but also by those that care for you, be it family or friends.

Financial relief upon civil partnership separation – How Prism Family Law can help

At Prism Family Law, we understand that you will require clear legal advice regarding your options for reaching agreement about the family finances. We know the importance of support in enabling you to make carefully informed choices.

We will always advise you as to how best to go about reaching a financial settlement, including the availability of family mediation.

In some cases, when it is clear that no negotiation is going to bring about a fair outcome, it may be necessary to go to court and apply for Financial Relief. We will only advise you to issue proceedings when we believe that this is in your best interests, and whilst this may sound bizarre, in a lot of cases issuing court proceedings for relief can, in fact, be the most efficient and cost-effective way to progress your case and interests but is not automatically recommended unless it is deemed necessary to your case.

In all cases, we would recommend that you seek legal advice and help in relation to the circumstances of your case. At Prism Family Law, we are legal experts in seeking and obtaining divorce and financial orders and you will always find us approachable and straightforward in our advice and, of course, never judgemental.

We always offer free initial appointments so that potential clients can consider all the available options open to them without the obligation to pursue any course recommended. To take advantage of our free consultations without obligation, please do not hesitate to contact our office upon 0191 269 6871 or via email at [email protected].