If it is an emergency and you fear that you are at immediate risk of harm or are in danger, then without hesitation, you should always call 999.

The police take domestic violence seriously and will be able to help and protect you or someone that you are telephoning on behalf of.

Alternatively, if the matter is not urgent then you must decide whether you wish to report your circumstances to the police. In non-emergency situations, you should contact your local neighbourhood policing team via the non-emergency number 101.

I am reluctant to telephone the police, can anyone else help?

Other organisations can help you deal with the issues but it is highly recommended that in all cases you report the incident(s) to the police for a criminal investigation to be conducted.

Save for that, any one of the following organisations will be willing and able to provide help and advice regarding domestic abuse.

English National Domestic Violence Helpline

Telephone: 0808 2000 247

Galop (for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people)

Telephone: 0800 999 5428

Men’s Advice Line

Telephone: 0808 801 0327

National Centre for Domestic Violence

Telephone: 0844 8044 999

I have an issue with a friend / neighbour – can you do anything to help?

In all cases, Prism Family Law offers free initial appointments to consider whether any applications or steps can be taken to prevent you from being further harassed, alarmed or distressed.

In certain instances, the behaviour could amount to an offence under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and so we may then assist you in referring the matter to the police.

In other appropriate cases, we can help write to the perpetrator and try and resolve any issues amicably without court intervention. However, when the circumstances of the case demand that further steps be taken, we will advise you to make an application to the court for an order seeking that the perpetrator stop the harassment, alarm or distress.

What can Prism Family Law do to help?

We offer emergency appointments and free initial consultations to all clients who are concerned about their immediate safety and well-being.

In certain instances, legal aid funding may be available to fund any application to the court for a protective order and at your initial appointment we will consider your eligibility for this.

Prism Family Law now has a legal aid contract with the Legal Aid Agency and so we can help you apply for legal aid representation, subject to your financial means.

Regardless of your circumstances, at Prism Family Law we will help you seek the security and benefit of a protective order if the case demands it.

Should you require immediate help with your case then without hesitation you should telephone Solicitor Andrew Wraith on 07967 502 885. Alternatively, if the case is not an emergency, you may contact our offices upon 0191 269 6871 or email [email protected] to make an appointment at your convenience.